Monday, April 20, 2009

April 20th, 2009. The day my ass exploded.

(Please note that flatulence is incorrectly spelled right there, and is also a very popular topic of mine, but had little-to-nothing to do with this post.)

Incase you didn't know, today was Monday, April 20th, National Look-A-Like day. After Brad Pitt and I got done taking pictures for the media, it was time for me to return to my college-student-alias and go to school and stuff.

Apparently, April 20th means different things to other people.

My attention was drawn to the courtyard between North and South halls, with that big ugly whale-looking thing that art majors think is an expression of social isolation and plankton (the spongebob character.) Ooops, I am a Media Arts major...which in turn makes me a 1.) Pussy and 2.) Bad at Math.

Anyway, i peeked out of the window to see one of my classmates riding on a bicycle, whose seat is 8 feet in the air, smoking a blunt and yelling out loud "Smoke Weed Everyday!"

Then, in less theatrical form, his fat friend, struggling to pedal his bicycle was breathing heavily and puffing in the marijuana smoke from his blunt, saying "Yeah...smoke weed...oh god I'm tired...LEGALIZE IT!"

After seeing this, my day couldn't get much better, until I ate some special brownies that had me totally baked and trippin' balls. Just kidding, I don't eat brownies. Way too much fat.

For the rest of the day, I played a really fun game that was especially entertaining today, but would probably be very entertaining most days for a college student.

No, I am not talking about competitive curling, or cow tipping, I am talking about the game "Who can pick out who is presently high in class right now!?"

I always won, because I don't have any friends to play with, and I had a drug-dog from the LGPD helping me out.

It was never more apparent than the 8-feet-high-seat-biker when he was in my ART 206 class. He and a friend walked in 10 minutes late, with a smoke cloud following them and a bong protruding out of his left rear pocket on his backpack. And a sign that said "I AM HIGH."

His friend had a T-shirt that didn't sell too well in all months besides late April that said "I'm with High----->"

They couldn't have been more obvious, so of course, instead of taking notes, I decided to stare aimlessly at the pot-smoking art students. They were doing group work with another lady, and literally looked like they were having the time of their life listening to this 40 year old woman ramble on about "time-based-media," which to my understanding, is made up and only exists in fairy tales.

I was having approximately 1/8 as much fun as these pot fiends, so I figured I'd give myself a little I walked within a 20 foot radius of them, and i breathed in for approximately one .24 of a second, and retained the most intense make-believe-secondary-high I have ever experienced. It was totally sick, dude, and I was all of a sudden seeing so many brilliant ideas, and getting really hungry.

Long story short, I ended up eating my group members, and my teacher, and my desk, and the left shoe of the very fat man that sits to my left. After a very upset stomach, and some interesting bowel movements, I have realized the TRUE meaning behind april 20th.

It's look-a-like day, and if you eat people when experiencing an imaginary secondary-high, you will shit fire for days on end. Especially if you combine cannabalism with protein shakes.

Also, in partially unrelated news, a student that sits 2 seats to the left of me unmistakably looks like the golden retriever from Homeward Bound, so I think my day wrapped up pretty fittingly.

Now i just need a bike that seats 8 feet in the air, and a fat friend. A fat friend who rides a bicycle and smokes weed.

I'd love to stay and chat but Brad is a stickler for tardiness, and we have a double date with Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Anniston...AWKWARD...I know.

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