Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We put the crazy in democrazy.

The next time I hear the words "Have you registered to vote yet?" I will kick someone in the chest.

Yes, I've registered to vote.

All four times.

Registered, registered, registered, registered, yet you, local political activist, have managed to fack it up, every single time.

I appreciate the activism, and the effort. I really do.

I however do not appreciate you misplacing my form, telling me to put the wrong address in the wrong slot, and your lip hair that makes me forget if I am a member of the Democratic, Republican, Green, or Mach-3 gillete party.

That last part was insensitive, borderline inappropriate, and I apologize to my local activist. It's not your fault.

Anyway, incase you were wondering, after several calls to local offices, writing down my drivers liscense number too many times to count, and 50 pushups, I am now officially registered to vote in this glorious state of Oregon.

It has been said that I was actually the only other oregon resident to go through such a grueling voter registration process, apart from the members of the cast Little People, Big World, but I'm pretty sure, legally, their votes can only count as 1/2 a vote anyway.

The aftermath of my voting perdicament was a call to the voter hotline. This guy was less fortunate.

Now that I'm registered, and it was such intensive labor to get to this point, I can't help but to look around me, critically, and wonder if some of my peers deserve this right to vote that we so often take for granted.

Here's an example:

Person 1: Dude...are you gonna vote?

Person 2: No, man, but if I did, it would be for Obama.

Me: Yeah, I think I'm leaning that way too.

Person 1: Fuck you guys, you guys are idiots.

Person 2: Why dude? Mccain has been behind everything Bush has done, and I think Obama provides a nice change of pace.

Person 1: Let me send you a couple e-mails, that'll change your mind.

Me: (Thinking) E-mails? Your kidding right? E-mails?

Person 1: Obama is a racist. You didn't know that? He admittedly is a racist person. He's open about it. The E-mail tells all about it. It's in a book. You guys need to get informed if you're gonna vote.

Person 2: I dunno dude...

Me: (in an attempt to break the awkward political dispute) It's all good, I hate white people too.

Person 1&2: Silence.

Person 1: Obama wanted to send troops to Iran, and that's not even a NATO country.

Person 2: Well, I'm no math major, but last time I checked, both Iran and NATO have 4 letters in them. And 4+4=8

Person 2 & 1 in unisyn: Obama '08!

And this is the day they became members of the democratic party.

God Bless America.

My e-mail is currently filling up with all kinds of viable, concrete sources telling me how Obama hates different skin tones than his own, how Palin is a stripper, and John Mccain is involved in some sort of love triangle involving all of them.

Now that would be a political baby. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Well, me and Diddy are bringing back the Vote or Die campaign, cuz when you think about it, given the options of A.) Voting, or B.) Dying, I'd probaly rather vote.

The D the E the M the O The C the R the ACY

That's Democracy.

Hold up...

That's Democrazy.


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